Roel Henckaerts is a PhD student in actuarial science at KU Leuven and the LRisk Research Lab. His interests include artificial intelligence, interpretabilty, fairness and emerging technologies. Besides research, Roel enjoys an active lifestyle full of sports (running, fitness, badminton, tennis, snowboarding), music (playing bass guitar), healthy food and travelling. Before starting a PhD, Roel worked at the enterprise risk management department of AIG in London (UK) and the non-life insurance product development department of KBC in Leuven (Belgium).
PhD in Actuarial Science, 2021 (planned)
KU Leuven
MSc in Financial and Actuarial Engineering, 2016
KU Leuven - summa cum laude
MSc in Insurance, 2015
KU Leuven - summa cum laude
MSc in Mathematical Engineering, 2014
KU Leuven - magna cum laude
BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2012
KU Leuven
tidyverse, tidymodels, data.table, parallel, Rcpp, tidytext
numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, bokeh, scikit-learn, keras, nltk
hpc, h2o, sql
glm/gam, random forest, gbm, xgboost, deep learning
rmarkdown, xaringan, shiny, jupyter notebook, latex
creative, solution minded, communicative, team player, motivated, ambitious
PhD in actuarial science with a focus on machine learning and telematics for non-life insurance pricing. Responsibilities include:
Actuarial internship at the Non-Life Insurance Product Development department. Responsibilities include:
Summer internship at the Enterprise Risk Management – Capital Modeling department. Responsibilities include: