This document list all the changes that are made to the source code of rpart
to tranfsorm the package to distRforest
to distRforest
useDynLib(distRforest, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_")
R_init_distRforest(DllInfo * dll)
ns <- asNamespace("distRforest")
library.dynam.unload("distRforest", libpath)
SEXP ncand2
and SEXP seed2
as input arguments to SEXP rpart(...)
void sample(int *vector, int x, int size);
int ncand;
and int seed;
to EXTERN struct {...} rp;
SEXP ncand2
and SEXP seed2
as input arguments to rpart(...)
struct by rp.ncand = asInteger(ncand2);
and rp.seed = asInteger(seed2);
, seed
and redmem = FALSE
as input arguments to rpart <- function(...)
if (missing(parms)) parms <- NULL
to is.null(parms)
equal to number of available variables when input argument is missingseed
equalt to 1 when input argument is missingas.integer(ncand)
and as.integer(seed)
as input arguments to rpfit <- .Call(C_rpart,...)
if (redmem) for(x in c(...)) ans[[x]] <- NULL
to reduce memory of fitted rpart
object{"rpart", (DL_FUNC) &rpart, 13}
int candidates[rp.ncand];
to allocate a vector to store the split candidates insample(candidates, rp.nvar, rp.ncand);
to sample the split candidatesrp.nvar
to rp.ncand
in for (i = 0; i < rp.ncand; i++)
to iterate over subseti
to candidates[i]
in for
body to select correct split candidate from the samplerforest
, predict.rforest
and importance_rforest
to export(...)
file in anova.c
as the anovapred(...)
functionextern int lognormalinit(...)
and extern int gammainit(...)
extern int lognormaldev(...)
and extern int gammadev(...)
extern int lognormal(...)
and extern int gammasplit(...)
extern int lognormalpred(...)
and extern int gammapred(...)
and "gamma"
to vector of possible methodsmethod %in% c('lognormal','gamma') && xval > 0L
vignettes in the distRforest
with examples for classification, Poisson and gamma regressionrpart
tests in the distRforest
packagemethod = 'gamma'
and method = 'lognormal'
options added to rpart(...)
is able to replicate identical trees as obtained with rpart()
happens as expectedpredict.rforest()
are being generated as expectedimportance_rforest()
calculates the variable importance scores as expected